Applicable to institutions in England onlyApprenticeship Finance Screen

The Apprenticeship Finance screen enables you to create and manage data that is generated for learners on apprenticeship courses.

Apprenticeship Finance tab

To create an Apprenticeship Finance record, click the Add button on the Enrolment ribbon.

Add apprenticeship trailblazer button

You can also delete and duplicate records by using the appropriate buttons on the Enrolments ribbon.

The Apprenticeship Finance grid consists of the following fields.

ebs field Holds this information... XML Tag
Funding Year The current funding year. Not applicable

The type of financial details being recorded. Select from:

  • TNP – Total Negotiated Price
  • PMR – Payment Record

The financial details code being recorded. Different values are available depending on the value set in the Type field. For TNP select from:

  • 1 – Total Training Price
  • 2 – Total Assessment Price

For PMR select from:

  • 1 – Training Payment
  • 2 – Assessment Payment All other values are unassigned
Amount The amount of money recorded on the financial record. AFinAmount
Date The date associated with the financial record. AFinDate
Include in ILR Whether the outcome will be included in the ILR return. Not applicable
Notes Any notes on this record. Not applicable

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